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The theme of art and land is a very broad theme that cuts across disciplines and art movements. This module looks at land and the sublime (Romanticism); landscape in Impressionism; land and history; land and society (Realism); land art; land and identity; land and mental space; land and memory; and land and eco-sentiment.




Target Audience: Art lovers or artists who want to understand the history and characteristics of the genre of landscape painting and the relationship of art to land.




The Applied Art History Short Course includes ​FIVE Modules. There is an Assignment for every Module but they are not compulsory. 




Recognition: Certificate of Completion on completion of all 5 modules in this Short Course plus the assignments.




Course Duration: It is difficult to determine how long it will take you to complete the course. If you visit all the web links it will take about 6 hours to read through the module. This Module also has an assignment to complete, which takes a variable amount on time.




Language: English



4.2 CAP Module in Art & Land, R600

  • What you will learn:

    You will gain an understanding of landscape rendering as genre.

    You will acquire thematic insight into the history of landscape rendering and its different manifestations.

    You will be able to place contemporary approaches to depiction of the land in context with the genre of landscape.

    You will acquire an understanding of the different conceptual dimensions of landscape rendering.

Est. 2015 

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