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The Short Course will equip you with an understanding of basic formal principles in art production. Various fundamental technical and formal aspects are covered. This course is strongly aimed at the acquisition of skills and knowledge in art praxis.




This Art Practice Basic Short Course includes ​FIVE Modules + ONE Zoom crit on 3 of your artworks with Dr. Elfriede Dreyer. There is an assignment for every Module, but they are not compulsory. 




Recognition: Certificate of Completion on completion of all 5 modules in this Short Course plus the assignments.




Cost of Short Course: R2800

Individual Modules each: R600-00

Both Short Courses 1 and 2 (Basic + Advanced): R5200-00




Module 1.1  Colour    

This module investigates colour as a fundamental formal element in the making of an artwork. The Newton colour wheel is considered, as well as colour theory and colour terminology, accompanied by an application of these aspects in older and contemporary artworks. 

Module 1.2 Composition 

This module looks at fundamental compositional terms, the role of purpose in composition, compositional techniques and the application of these to artworks.  The rule of 'thirds' is looked at, as well as how to break this rule.

Module 1.3 Markmaking 

In this module we look at markmaking as a fundamental formal element of an artwork. Different kinds of marks are investigated in terms of how they generate meaning and conceptual association.  

We consider expressive markmaking, angular marks, juxtaposition, doodling and writing as 'marks' in art. 

Module 1.4 Perspective  

This module guides you to understand methodologies of perspective. We look at one-point, two-point and three-point perspective, as well as foreshortening. The module teaches you how perspective creates content  through the aspects of viewpoint and angle.

Module 1.5 Space  

This module looks at spatiality in art, different cultural theories on space, spatial metaphor and the semantics of psychospace. We consider positive and negative space; closed and open space; shallow and deep space;  spatial duality; Self and Other in space; real and imagined space; space as home; urban space; and non-place.

1 CAP Short Course in Art Practice Basic, R2800


    • After registration you will receive a link to the study material which you have to work through. 

    • Several web links are included; please visit these and read through in order to maximise your learning experience.

Est. 2015 

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