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This module guides you to understand methodologies of perspective. We look at one-point, two-point and three-point perspective, as well as foreshortening. The module teaches you how perspective creates content  through the aspects of viewpoint and angle.




Target Audience: For art lovers or artists who want to understand how perspective works in art. Artists who want to create a stronger sense of space and depth in their work . How to break the rules of perspective.




This Module forms part of the Art Practice Basic Short Course  that includes ​FIVE Modules. There is an Assignment for every Module but they are not compulsory. 




Recognition: Certificate of Completion on completion of all 5 modules in this Short Course plus the assignments.




Course Duration:  It is difficult to determine how long it will take you to complete the course. The average time to read through the tutorial material is about 3 hours, but it can be longer, depending on how much time you spend on the links. This Module also has an assignment to complete, which takes a variable amount on time.




Language: English



1.4 CAP Module in Perspective, R600

  • What you will learn:

    The scientific principles of one-point, two-point and three-point perspective

    The function of and conceptual content in aerial perspective

    The function of and conceptual content in foreshortening as a technical device in art

Est. 2015 

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