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In this module we look at markmaking as a fundamental formal element of an artwork. Different kinds of marks are investigated in terms of how they generate meaning and conceptual association. We consider expressive markmaking, angular marks, juxtaposition, doodling and writing as 'mark' in art.




Target Audience: For art lovers or artists who want to learn more about the role, impact and meaning of different kinds of marks and brushstrokes in art practice.




This Module forms part of the Art Practice Basic Short Course that includes ​FIVE Modules. There is an Assignment for every Module but they are not compulsory. 




Recognition: Certificate of Completion on completion of all 5 modules in this Short Course plus the assignments.




Course Duration: It is difficult to determine how long it will take you to complete the course. The average time to read through the tutorial material is about 3 hours, but it can be longer, depending on how much time you spend on the links. This Module also has an assignment to complete, which takes a variable amount on time.




Language: English



1.3 CAP Module in Markmaking, R600

  • What you will learn:

    Different kinds of marks and their meaning

    How to generate mood and content through markmaking

    The value of doodling as a free form of markmaking 

    Work through Notes on markmaking.

Est. 2015 

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